Lup Teren (Wolf Land Series Book 1) Read online

Page 13

  “Sounds reasonable to me,” she stated sarcastically.

  “There will be a foe who will pursue you during this particular trial, trying to sabotage your plans. If they capture you, they will kill you.”

  “Great,” her sarcasm revving up again. “What next?”

  “Loyalty and honor will also be evaluated.”


  “Someone you care about will be placed in a harmful situation and it will be your duty to rescue them, but you’ll have to choose something equally important to you to sacrifice in its place.”

  “What sociopathic prick comes up with this shite?” she scowled her disgust, unable to believe what she was hearing.

  “When you have passed all of those trials…” he stopped abruptly and looked down at his desk.

  “Dad,” she pleaded, “I need to know everything.”

  “When you pass…if you pass…you will die.”


  “As shifters we often do spirit walks,” he explained.

  “I’ve heard of spirit walks. The Native Americans have sweat lodges to have visions, to speak with their ancestors or their deities.”

  “That’s correct. We do the same. Except this time, in your case, you will be led to death’s door. There the scrolls say you will unlock your true power.”

  “And if I’m not the real Hybrid, what happens then?” Her father stood silently, his eyes filling with tears. “I see.” She swallowed hard. “I stay dead.” Great!


  “Eat,” Mrs. Radu urged, her softly spoken request making her want to cry.

  “I’m not hungry,” she replied, stomach tied-up in knots.

  “You have to eat,” Nicolae’s voice came from behind her. “You will need your strength.”

  “I said,” she turned and glared at him defiantly, “I’m. Not. Hungry.”

  “Suit yourself.” He turned on his heels. “We have to start training. We only have three days before the trials begin.”

  “I’m not doing the stupid trials. All of you can just kiss my arse.” Looking at Mrs. Radu’s shocked expression she quickly added, “Sorry, Mrs. Radu…not you.” The woman smiled and resumed her bread making.

  “You have to complete the trials.”


  “Because it is required,” he stated like it was written in stone. Wait. Was it written in stone?

  “Listen to me closely. I am not buying into your whack-a-doo prophesy. I’m not going to die just to prove I’m some sort of archaic chosen one. If I’m even the chosen one. The whole thing is bullshit and you know it.”

  “Is it really?” he scoffed, watching her intently.

  Defiantly, she pushed the plate away and glared at him as he glared at her. “It certainly is.”

  “Come with me, Miss Jacobs.”


  “So I can prove you wrong.”


  “Where are we going?” she asked Nicolae’s rapidly moving form. For a human, the man could really move.

  “You will see.” He continued walking without looking back at her.

  “Could you please slow down a little? I’m not used to all of these hills and mountains and stuff. Stop for a minute. I think I have a thorn in my sneaker.” She stopped, removed her sneaker, and pulled out two sand spurs. “How much longer to get to this place? And why won’t you tell me where we are going?”

  “It is close,” he stated, keeping a brisk pace. His athletic form disappearing over a lowlying slope covered in wildflowers and low-flying butterflies. She half expected Heidi to come skipping down the mountain with a basket of flowers in her hand.

  Rolling her eyes, she shouted sarcastically, “Has anyone ever told you, you talk too much?”


  Without another word, she quickened her pace, until she caught up to his long-legged strides. They walked for another hour, higher into the mountains. The air was beginning to thin and she felt her breathing becoming more labored. How could she have ever thought she was in shape?

  When she believed she’d faint, Nicolae stopped. “We are here,” he declared with a frown.

  Looking around at more grass, flowers, and steep slopes, she huffed, “There’s nothing here.” Taking her hand, he began moving toward the slope of the mountain nearest them. “Let go!” she ordered pulling out of his grip. “I’m not a child. I can walk on my own. Thank you very much.”

  “Are all hybrids this difficult or is it just you?”

  Smiling evilly, she boldly responded, “Just me.”

  “Huh,” he snickered, releasing her hand. “Hold this.” He suddenly shoved his backpack at her.

  By memory, he ran his hand along the rough surface and located a hidden crevice inside the rock. Sticking his hand inside, he flipped the concealed latch then forcefully pushed on one of the protruding rocks. The action released a locking mechanism that opened the entrance. She gasped realizing there was a small door cut into the rock.

  “What is this?” her voice resounding on a slight quiver.

  “Follow me. It is dark until we pass through the tunnel. Use your wolf vision to see.”

  “I can’t,” she whispered. “I haven’t figured out how to activate it yet.”

  “Typical,” he insulted, making her agitated. “Use your hands to feel along the walls. It is one tunnel that leads to the main cavern.”

  “What about you? Don’t you need a flashlight or something?”

  Shaking his head, he informed, “I have enhanced vision. It adjusts to any level of light.”

  “Got it.” She felt even worse, even Nicolae could do it. Maybe she was pathetic.

  They entered the dark space and Nicolae closed the entrance behind them leaving them in complete and utter darkness. Leading the way, they bypassed the corridor. All around them she could hear small animals scurrying and the soft sounds of squeals and screeches that unnerved her. Why couldn’t Antonio be with her? Then at least she could hold his hand.

  “We are almost there,” Nicolae informed, his voice coming from several feet ahead. “Watch your step there’s a big…”

  “Ouch!” she yelled, tripping over a basketball-sized object.

  “…rock.” He laughed maniacally and she wished now she could turn into a snake and bite his heel. It would serve him right.

  “Are we there yet?” she whined, wishing she had eaten Mrs. Radu’s delicious looking breakfast when she had the chance.

  “It is right ahead of us, give me your hand.” Reluctantly, she allowed him to pull her up the narrow ledge cut into the passageway leading to a second level. “Wow!” he grunted. “You are heavier than you look.” She bit her bottom lip trying to hold back the tongue lashing she wanted to give him. Rude! Rude! Rude!

  The area was barely wide enough to maneuver. When she thought he would continue forward, he slyly adjusted his position at the top of the landing, causing their bodies to press together.

  “Get your hands off of my arse,” she hissed through clenched teeth.

  Nicolae stood immobile, breathing staggered, sapphire blue irises dilated, his nose buried in her hair. “You smell amazing.”

  Trying desperately to separate them, she pushed at his chest, but his body was as solid as the surrounding cave walls. Annoyed at herself, she realized that she wouldn’t be able to move him.

  “Let go of me,” she growled in protest, giving him her most annoyed and intense stare.

  Heavily, he sighed. “Do you know how difficult it was to pretend to be asleep while Antonio was fucking you?” The sudden gasp that escaped her along with the heated blush that stole over her face was nothing compared to the burning embarrassment she felt at his admission. “You make the most delicious sounds. It was all I could do not to join the two of you. Sink my cock inside your wet heat and find solace inside of your body.”

  “I didn’t know you could hear us.” She pushed against his shoulders in another attempt to get free.

  “I am Roma
ni.” His grip on her tightened. “I could hear how wet you were for him.” Nicolae licked the side of her neck, and then gave it a playful nip. “Would you be as wet for me?”

  “Nicolae, what the hell is the matter with you?” This was so unlike him. His forte was showing no emotion at all. Now all of a sudden he was overly zealous and handsy. “I’m in love with Antonio,” she reminded.

  “Antonio is a lucky man,” he responded as he inhaled the fragrance of her shampoo.

  “He’s also a jealous man,” her reminder flowing from her lips like venom. That did it, his arms loosened a tad. “If you’re able to scent me, you know I feel no arousal toward you.” That was most definitely a lie. “If you don’t let go of me, the next time I shift, your man-parts are the first things I’m coming for.”

  He released her with a chuckle.

  “Come and look.” He motioned ahead of him to a part of the cavern where pale sunlight poured into the otherwise dark space up ahead. “Your destiny awaits, Miss Jacobs.”

  Cautiously, and on shaky legs, she made her way forward, running her fingers along the walls. With the aid of filtering sunlight through cracks in the limestone above, she was able to see a few feet ahead of her, but it was still incredibly dark.

  “Let there be light,” Nicolae announced, using a store-bought lighter to ignite a rusty torch secured to an equally rusty arm on the wall.

  As the fire grew, it brightened the cavern. Flickering persimmon and gold flames reflected on the embedded objects in the walls creating a stained-glass effect. The sight took her breath away.

  “Are those…”

  “Diamonds, rubies, emeralds, gold, and other precious gems,” Nicolae told with a grin. “Beautiful is it not?” he asked as he stared at her. His hungry expression made her uneasy.

  Removing the torch from its holder, he moved closer to the walls. “Look more closely.”

  With the flame growing, she could make out primitive pictures drawn or carved into the stone. Pictures of people, animals and places that decorated the space like hand-painted wallpaper.

  “What are these?” Her hands moved of their own accord over the glyphs. That disturbing feeling of déjà vu engulfing her once again. However, this time it made her more comfortable.

  “Cuneiform and picture graphs, some glyphs,” he said, moving deeper into the cavern. “They tell the story of how your people came to be. These symbols are the accounts of every battle, every success…every step that led your pack to this moment in time.” His facial features softened as he turned to look at her, his blue eyes glistening for some unknown reason. “It is your story as well. From your beginning to where you are right now and to what is yet to be. It is your past…your present…and your future.

  “That’s impossible,” she mumbled to herself. The locket hanging on her neck began to warm her skin, but she wasn’t sure if it was because of her vicinity to the glowing torch or something else. Swallowing hard, she replied, “What is this place?”

  “It is the temple of your forefathers. It is filled with the ancient knowledge of your kind,” Nicolae whispered.

  Needing to study the images more closely, she pulled out her smart phone from her back pocket and started taking photos. Photos of the world before man knew how to write, how to create paper, how to record their adventures. It was all there, in front of her, carved and painted into the mountain. It was an awe-inspiring sight, a prehistoric mountain that had seen more history than she ever would.

  Running her hand over the symbols, she asked, “How do I translate this?”

  “Your father has books in his office with the various translations.”

  “Does he know we’re here?”

  “No.” Nicolae’s eyes softened, that same mysterious emotion sparkling in its sapphire depths. “Only Pack Alphas are allowed here.”

  “Then why have you brought me here?”

  Anxiously, he cleared his throat. “It was the last request Antonio made to me.”

  “Antonio,” she gulped, “wanted me to see this place?”

  “He wanted you to know where you came from, at least on your father’s side.”

  “Why didn’t he wait and bring me here himself?” Nicolae stiffened and turned once again to stare at the wall. “I asked you a question. Answer me.”

  “He did not know if he would be coming back.” His honestly spoken words hit her like a slap to the face.

  “What do you mean?”

  Ignoring her question, he informed, “Time to go. I do not want to lose any more time.”

  Giving the cavern one last look, she sighed. Antonio would bring her here. He’d come back from…wherever he went and they’d explore the cavern together. He had to.

  Chapter Eighteen

  She ate her breakfast for lunch: boiled eggs, slices of fresh Feta cheese, chunks of cold cuts, sweet grapes, and thinly sliced, freshly baked, dark rye bread with sweet butter, washed down with a glass of cold lemonade.

  An hour later, Nicolae found her, sitting under an old weeping willow near the lake, enjoying the temperate climate and the sunlight gleaming off of the gently rolling surface of the lake. The distinct scent of horses intermingling with unpolluted air was such a treat compared to the suffocating stench of the city.

  “It is time,” he informed in that no-nonsense way of his.

  Without a word, they walked to the far edge of the property to a large maroon brick building that resembled a barn. On the outside, the structure was neatly kept with large, welcoming windows toward the top half of the walls. Unfortunately, to her disgust, a strange scent was coming from inside.

  “What is this place?” she questioned as a pang of nausea assaulted her.

  Nicolae grimaced, his body much too close for comfort. The memory of them in the cave came back with vivid detail. Stubbornly, she refused to enjoy his close proximity or his scrumptious manly scent mixed with body wash.

  “Pack members use it for training.”

  “It smells bloody awful,” she commented, taking a well-needed step away, putting at least a foot between them.

  “That is dried blood you smell, along with…other things,” he sniffed. “After you,” he ordered ushering her inside the building.

  “Doesn’t this place get cleaned on a regular basis?”

  “Of course, it does, but with your heightened sense of smell it doesn’t matter how much bleach or disinfectant they use. You will still smell it. You will have to get used to it.”

  “Wonderful.” Her disgust increased.

  Flicking on the light switch, he added, “You will need to get some protection.” Then nodded toward the far corner to an area housing large beige containers. Without question, she followed his nod and found a head mask, gloves, and elbow and knee pads. “Here,” he said, handing her a mouth guard. “Put these on. I would not want you to lose any of those lovely, white teeth of yours.”

  “Gee, thanks,” she replied, sarcasm dripping from her words.

  Taking everything in, she was in awe of the size of the rectangular shaped building the size of two basketball courts put together. On the left side, there was a long row of punching bags seemingly dangling in midair. On the right, thickly padded floor mats were neatly stacked in several tall piles and in the middle was a boxing ring double the size of a standard ring. Near the back wall were cubbies with clear storage bins filled with jump ropes, gloves, face masks, and an assortment of training equipment.

  “This place is enormous,” she said after a barely-audible whistle.

  “There are locker rooms and showers through that door,” he said, pointing to a large, double-door in the middle of the back wall. “Behind the building is an Olympic-sized lap pool. If you get some free time, it is an excellent way to strengthen your muscles.”

  “If I get some free time with you and Blaine taking turns with me.” Her face heated at the sexual implication of her words. Nicolae’s brow hitched. “I didn’t mean it how it sounded. What I meant to say was, you and Blaine will
be busy stretching me out.” She grimaced. “No, that’s not what I meant either. I mean working me out.” Was it getting hotter?

  “I understand,” he chuckled, but wouldn’t look at her as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks. Good, because she certainly didn’t know what was happening to her sense of propriety. “Show me what you can do, Miss Jacobs.” The Romani gracefully moved toward the boxing ring located in the center of the area.

  “Gladly,” she mumbled below her breath, following him, surprised when he stopped and held open the ropes that enclosed the ring so she could step inside more easily. “Thank you.”

  They both stretched for several moments. She hadn’t sparred since her last session with Basher, so she was a bit anxious. Hopefully, it should be like riding a bike.

  “Give me your legs.”

  Her face heated. “Pardon?”

  Without asking permission, Nicolae knelt at her feet and wrapped three pound weights around her ankles then fastened a weighted belt around her middle. Finally, wrist weights were added as well. She could hardly move with the extra load.

  “I can’t fight like this,” she groaned hoping to get some sympathy. Unfortunately, the man simply ignored her.

  “Yes, you can.”

  “No. I cannot.” She bent to take off the ankle weights, but he stopped her with a grunt.

  Scowling he accused, “I knew you were undisciplined.”

  “I’m not,” she replied with a loud gasp and an even louder sigh. “It’s impossible to fight like this. I feel like I’m buried in concrete.”

  “Good, that is how you are supposed to feel,” his words void of emotion. Ah, this was the Nicolae she remembered. “Come at me,” he ordered, his tone clipped and all business.

  Lunging forward, she landed a punch to his upper left arm and then a quick jab to this face mask.

  Snickering she asked, “Didn’t think I could land one did ya?”

  Unaffected by her cocky tone, he answered, “Too much talking, not enough training, Miss Jacobs.”

  This time, he came at her. When she swung, he quickly sidestepped, grabbed her around the middle and threw her to the padded floor of the ring. She landed with a winded grunt.